About Us
TCTC is an urban career and technical center located in Northeast Ohio. TCTC serves 1,049 students in grades 9 through 12 from 20 associate schools. TCTC offers 27 programs, including 11 College Credit Plus courses, 26 workforce development programs, and a Job Training coordination program. Upon successful completion of these two-year programs, students will have the opportunity to earn industry recognized credentials and certifications in their program of study. To graduate, a student must earn a varying number of credits as required by their school district. Credits range from 21-26 units.
Additionally, students must meet other Ohio Graduation Standards. All students must also complete a senior ePortfolio project. This project may be shared with potential employers and/or post-secondary admissions officers. TCTC students are also encouraged to participate in school endorsed Job Shadowing and Early Experience work.

Bloomfield-Mespo Local School District

Howland Local Village School District

Liberty Local School District

Newton Falls Exempted Village School District

Bristol Local School District

Hubbard Exempted Village School District

Lordstown Local School District

Niles City School District

Brookfield Local School District

Joseph Badger Local School District

Maplewood Local School District

Southington Local School District

Champion Local School District

LaBrae Local School District

Mathews Local School District

Warren City School District

Girard City School District

Lakeview Local School District

McDonald Local School District

Weathersfield Local School District
High Schools that Work
Our district has been recognized by the Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) at annual HSTW national conferences for student achievement and high expectations. Awards include:
2013-Ohio’s Outstanding Career Center
2014-Platinum High Achievement Award
2016-Top Performing School Ohio NE Region
2022-Gene Bottoms Pacesetter School Award
Best practices cited by HSTW Site Review Team include:
1:1 iPad program (2016)
This initiative enables all staff and students to have access to mobile technology which fosters teacher created meaningful instruction and student engagement; staff initiated professional learning opportunities supported by the administration; strong leadership and focus teams to promote school improvement; and a culture of collaboration among staff and district administration.
Improving Outcomes for All Graduates (2022)
This initiative targeted two goals: ensuring all students graduate college and career ready and increasing the number of students who earn industry credentials and college credits before graduating. TCTC increased the percentage of students employed after graduation from 65% in 2017 to 75% in 2020. The percentage of students earning credentials before graduation increased from 73% in 2017 to nearly 87% in 2020.

Staff Demographics
TCTC Staff demographics are as follows:
100% percent of the full-time teachers are highly qualified
69% percent have five or more years of experience
74% percent hold a master’s degree or a master’s plus 15, 30, 50
100% percent are high school certified in grades 11 and 12
College Credit Plus
TCTC students enrolled in a workforce development program have the opportunity to earn college credit while in high school. During the 2022-2023 school year 95.1% percent of our CTE concentrators were enrolled in tech prep programs and 8% percent participated in College Credit Plus opportunities at TCTC in partnership with local universities.
Innovative Learning
At the Trumbull Career & Technical Center, students leverage innovative technologies to learn, create, and demonstrate knowledge in their career-technical programs and academic classes. Students and staff at the Trumbull Career & Technical Center engage in active learning through our one-to-one iPad initiative. Students in several programs are equipped with MacBook® laptops to learn and develop skills such as visual design, video production, and iOS app development in Swift®. Students use tools like Keynote to design various projects including our chemistry 'dad' jokes which can be viewed here. Our on-campus media center features a Fab Lab complete with iMac® computers, a direct-to-garment printer, UV printer, laser engraver, vinyl printer and cutter, small-volume 3D printer, large-volume 3D printer, 3D scanner and CNC mill. Students use this equipment for school-related projects.
The Trumbull Career & Technical Center received its first Apple Distinguished School award for 2017-2019. Our second recognition was for the 2019-2022 school years. We are pleased to be recognized for a third time as an Apple Distinguished School for 2022-2025. Our staff is committed to continuous innovation, and they regularly develop skills through the Apple Teacher program and the school's innovative learning specialist.

Our History
The congress of the United States passed the Vocational Education Act of 1963. Its purpose was to provide an adequate vocational education opportunity for youths and adults. With the passing of this legislation into law, vocational education would become a reality in the State of Ohio.
Basic information concerning the studies of employment and the needs of the Trumbull County communities had been made by the Ohio State Employment Service, the Bureau of Unemployment Compensation, student and business surveys. The results of the surveys were clear. Twelve percent of our job market requires a college education. Consequently, schools must prepare youths to enter the other 88% of the job market upon graduation from high school.
Several school districts in Trumbull County could be joined together in a joint vocational education program for area high school youth, out-of-school youth and adults. The programs to be offered at this facility were to include such areas as agriculture, business education, distributive education, home economic education, and trade and industrial education.
If this joint vocational facility was to go into operation, it had to have a sponsoring board of education. The first sponsoring board of education was Niles City Schools: it was followed by Hubbard Exempted Village School District. Each school system that wanted to belong to the joint vocational school district had to send a letter of intent to join the district. Those letters of intent were turned over to the State Board of Education. On August 17, 1966, the first board of education was organized for the Trumbull County Joint Vocational School District.
On April 7, 1974 the Joint Vocational Board was dissolved after five levy failures. On August 4, 1974 the JVS Board was reorganized. On August 21, 1975 a plan for the TCJVS was submitted to the Ohio State Department of Education for seven districts: Bloomfield, Champion, Farmington, Hubbard, Mathews, Newton Falls, and Southington. On March 18, 1976 a 2.9 mill combined tax issue was passed by these districts. The school districts of Bristol, Brookfield, Girard, Joseph Badger, LaBrae, Lakeview, Liberty, and Maplewood also joined the Trumbull County Joint Vocational School District. These fifteen school districts would be under the guidance of Leo Difford, who was the Trumbull County Director of Vocational Education for the Trumbull County Joint Vocational School District and who later became the first superintendent of the district on October 1, 1975.
After the levy passed, it was recertified to 2.4 mills on November 7, 1975 by the County Auditor. The process of planning the JVS was under way. Eighty-two acres of property on Mahoning Avenue had been selected as the site for the vocational school. This land was previously the “County Farm” and on June 23, 1976 the Trumbull County Commissioners leased it to the TCJVS.
The groundbreaking of the Trumbull County Joint Vocational School occurred on April 15, 1977. Warren City joined the JVS in September of 1992. The TCJVS name was changed to The Trumbull Career & Technical Center on July 1, 2000 to better reflect the school’s additional state mandates. Beginning with the 2002 school year four additional school districts joined the Career Center: Lordstown, McDonald, Niles, and Weathersfield.
The Trumbull County Joint Vocational School opened its doors to students on September 6, 1978; dedication ceremonies occurred on November 12, 1978. Board members at the time of the dedication included: Thomas M. Cooksey, Jr., President; Stanley Woofter, Vice President; Ronnie L. Burke; Marjorie Fenton; Beverly A. Friend; Ray L. Hicks; Albert Nye; and Beverly A. Richards, Treasurer. The total cost of this facility was 9.5 million dollars of which 4.84 million dollars came from the multi-purpose levy. Matching funds from the State of Ohio totaled 4.61 million dollars. In 2006 an Adult wing was opened, 44,000 sq. ft at a cost of 6.4 million dollars. Today TCTC has over seven acres under roof.
Of the 49 vocational districts in the State of Ohio, Trumbull County was one of the last vocational facilities to go into operation.
Ohio is one of the few states which have a diversified and complete program in vocational education. With the completion of the Trumbull County Joint Vocational School, 97.4% of youths and adults have vocational education available to them to gain the necessary skills and technical knowledge to obtain a job or to prepare to advance to a better job.
Moving forward into the future TCTC H.S. will have all classes certified as Tech Prep by 2013 and will continue offering Dual Credit Classes which give both H.S. and college credit simultaneously.